The documentary film “1000 Years – Witness of the Light,” directed by Ilija Iko Karov, received a prestigious accolade at the international film festival “History,” held in Asparn, Austria. The film, which portrays the thousand-year history of the Bigorski Monastery, won the award for Best Music, composed by the Macedonian composer Goran Trajkovski, known by…
Category Archives: Film Events
In the ceremonial atmosphere of the “Pontifical Institute for Oriental Studies” in Rome, the screening of the documentary film “1000 Years – Witness of the Light,” dedicated to the millennium of the Bigorski Monastery, directed and authored by Ilija Iko Karov, took place last evening. At the initiative of the Ambassador of the Republic of…
Tomorrow, at the “Pontifical Institute for Oriental Studies” in Rome, the film “1000 Years Witness of the Light,” dedicated to the millennium of the Bigorski Monastery and directed by Ilija Iko Karov, will be shown. The film “1000 Years Witness of the Light” had its gala premiere at the Macedonian National Theater in April 2022….
Dear all, We are thrilled to inform you that the documentary film “1000 Years Witness of the Light” by KAT Production will be shown on August 24, 2022 (Tuesday), as part of the Manaki Brothers Festival. The screening is scheduled for 8:30 PM, at the plateau in front of the Officers’ Club in Bitola. The…